Anywhere in Texas, Stuart gives his minimum "84% of ALL my commission" rebate to Buyers of new construction homes all over Texas. NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE! His New Home Rebates START at 2.52% if the Builder's compensation is 3.00%... BUT...the rebate could automatically increase if the Builder is paying a Bonus. Say the compensation is 3.00% plus a $2000 Bonus. NOW... If you, Mr. Buyer, have been promised a 2.% rebate then what will you receive? Yeah... 2.0%...and that's all! If Stuart is your Agent, then you, Mr. Buyer, will receive a commission rebate of 2.52% PLUS 84% of that $2000 Bonus! An extra $1680 ! Stuart does that by contractually expressing his Rebate as a total percentage (minimum 84% and up to 96%) of ALL of the cash commission paid by the Builder. This Texas Realtor Rebate is NOT expressed as fixed total of a percentage of the purchase price which will put you, the Buyer, into a box that will potentially limit your Rebate to 2 or 2.5% when you could be receiving much more. Do you know of ANY OTHER AGENT that will put that in writing? Now I have to be honest here to warn consumers that some Builders have reduced commissions to 2.00%. So a rebate in that circumstance could be less than 2.00% of the purchase price. But the Rebate would still be figured at "84% of all the cash commission paid at closing".
So Stuart is limited to a maximum of 16% of ALL the commission paid by the Builder! Stuart does NOT place any limitations, restrictions or exclusions to your Rebate. All this, Stuart Scholer puts in simple verbiage on his TAR-1501 Buyer Representation Agreement. With a simple e-mail or phone call Stuart will send you a copy of his Buyer Rep Agreement. Since 2004, "I have been working hard to help Clients, especially first time home buyers, to acquire their dream property while still saving them large sums of money through Texas real estate commission rebates that lower the cost of their New Home purchase. Since new home rebates in Texas are not considered income by the IRS Stuart does not issue 1099's to recipients of Realtor Rebates in Texas either!
Please see FAQ's to see how your New Home Builder Rebates in Texas could easily be
86% and up to 94% of all my commission.
Send an e-mail or call to Request a copy of Stuart's
Texas Rebate Realtor TAR-1501 Buyer Representation Agreement so you can
see how the Rebate is expressed in contract form.
(Of course there is no commitment or obligation)
New Home Builder Rebates in Austin.
New Home Builder Rebates in Dallas
New Home Builder Rebates in Houston
New Home Builder Rebates in San Antonio
New Home Rebates in Texas!
Stuart B. Scholer
is a Licensed Agent of:
5th Stream Realty, LLC
7941 Katy Freeway # 787
Houston, Texas 77024
Broker Phone: 214-868-0707
Broker License # 9005999
Stuart’s License # 498891
Stuart’s Cell: 832-372-0434
See FAQ # 4. Stuart will not exclude, place limitations or restrictions or make up ANY SNEAKY reason NOT to pay your Rebate based on ALL cash compensation paid to Stuart's Broker!